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Chair of the Older People’s Task Force announces possible recommendations.

29 Sep 2023

Julienne Meyer, Chair of the Older People’s Housing Task Force was speaking at the Laing Buisson Retirement Living Conference on 27th September and set out possible recommendations as follows:

·       Older people’s housing is given due consideration and prominence in the forthcoming revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework.

·       Every local authority produces an older people’s housing strategy that identifies the estimated level of required supply for age exclusive and specialist housing for older people and how it will be delivered.

·       It introduces a new regulatory framework setting out principles for greater consumer protection.

·       It agrees new terminology for the sector and language that consumers understand.

·       It considers a range of fiscal measures that would boost the provision of specialist housing for older people to stimulate demand. 

ARHM welcomes the announcement and the work of the Task Force in providing a spotlight on housing for older people. ARHM would also like to see a properly funded and  dedicated Information and Advice Service to support potential purchasers, relatives and carers to navigate the options available to them and make an informed choice about later living options. We highlighted this in our response to the Task Force Call for Evidence which you can read here.